
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

WiP #5

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

I hope that everyone had a great 4th of July, we really enjoyed our local fireworks, hanging out in the pool and eating summer treats.

I had a grand time planning out and sewing my blocks for the Skill Builder Sampler (hosted by Leila on her blog Sewn. Yes, we only had one block, but Churn Dash is probably my favorite traditional block, so I had to make more than one! And, of course, one of them had to be a variation. You can read more about the blocks and the process of sewing them here

Churn Dash Blocks

Unfortunately I still haven't finished up the wedding gift placemats.  Since we won't be making a block for the Skill Builder Sampler this week I'm going to get the placemats done this next week...but don't hold me to it!

Coming Up: If I get the placemats done and I have time (I've got to spend time working on my Teacher Work Sample, I'm working on my teaching license and need to get this done!) I think I'm going to make a robe for Puppy Boy using the pattern by Dana from MADE.  We've got a backyard pool (15 feet diameter, 30 inches deep) and while he loves the water, he gets really cold so I think it would be really useful!

On Hold:
My mom's jewelry keeper (Christmas gift) I'll pick this up when I'm done with the placemats
stacked coin throw quilt

WiP Recap:
Last week's total: 4
Finished this week: 1
New this week: 1 (maybe)
This week's total: 3, maybe 4

Until later!


Marg said...

I love the colours in your churn dash blocks.

Lynette said...

Great fabrics on your skill builders!

Bree said...

Love the colors you chose, and I really like your variation block. It gives it a whole new feel!

Melinda said...

So YOU'RE the one that did the modified Churn Dash! I saw it in Leila's Flickr but I didn't stop to see whose it was. Love them both so much! I like that you showed another option.

Kristina said...

Hi Jen and thank you so much for your birthday wishes on my blog post, means a lot! Have a great day.